Friends of St Botolph's Parish Room
We are a friendly little group who meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month,
in the Parish Room, 1:30 to 3:00pm.
We have a lunch club on the fourth Thursday of the month
at 12 noon, tickets £3.
All welcome.
We started back after Christmas in January with the Lunch Club, it was a little cold for the group in the room so we are going to use a warmer room for our next meeting.
Everyone enjoyed their lunch; steak pie or soup & a roll and fruit crumble. There were 10 of us, which was a nice number to start with. After lunch we had a raffle and a game of bingo and more refreshments afterwards.
We are starting to do the knitting for the Hospice. Ann the lady from the Hospice will be coming in April as she is having a sale in May. She has asked for baby clothes for 0-3 months and 3-6 months as they sold out really quickly at their last sale.
Thursday after Ash Wednesday 6th March 12 noon we will be starting the Lent Lunches. If you know of any vulnerable people who would like a lunch delivering, please let me know and we will deliver one. Just a soup roll and a sweet.
The money raised will go to Martin House Children’s Hospice Wetherby, the last few years we have £600 each time. The lunches will run for 7 weeks, the final one being on Maundy Thursday. There will be one week when we won’t have a lunch that will be Thursday 27th March, we will be back the week after.
With love from all the group. God Bless
Friends. x