Friends of St. Botolph's

Friends of St Botolph's Parish Room

We are a friendly little group who meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month,

in the Parish Room, 1:30 to 3:00pm.

We have a lunch club on the fourth Thursday of the month

at 12 noon, tickets £3.

All welcome.



On Saturday 18 May, Glenis one of our ladies did the Zip Wire for Martin House, well done! Glenis raised over £700 for this charity. The charity ran this event over the weekend, over those 3 days the charity raised over £50,000 how amazing is this? These brave people doing this for the children’s hospice.


Most of the ladies from friends supported our plant sale & coffee morning by having stalls, baking, plants, knitting.


On the last lunch club, we went out to lunch to Crown Garden Centre, 14 of us turned up. We had a raffle and raised £30; this went towards our renovation of the church clock.


We all are continuing to knit for the charity Martin House, blankets, baby clothes dolls clothes toys etc.


Thank you all to these wonderful ladies for supporting St Botolph’s Church also Martin House.


Love from Friends of St Botolph’s




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