Knottingley Girl Guides

Knottingley Girl Guides

For girls aged 10 - 14 years.

Guides meet at 6.00 - 7.30 pm during term time

April News Letter Day outRemembrance Sunday 2024

The Five Essentials of Guiding are:

  • Working together in small groups
  • Encouraging the girls to govern themselves and to make their own decisions
  • A balanced and varied programme
  • Care for the individual
  • A commitment to a common standard

The girls work on 6 Themes

Having Adventures, Skills for my future. Know Myself, Express Myself. Be Well and Take Action

The Guide Law is a set of statements that every Guide should work hard to keep at all times, not just at Unit metings

  1. Trust - a Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.
  2. Help - a Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely.
  3. Learn - a Guide faces challenge and learns from her experiences.
  4. Friendship - a Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.
  5. Considerate - a Guide is polite and considerate.
  6. Respect - a Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.


The Guide Promise

I promise that I will do my best:
To be true to myself and develop my beliefs,
To serve the King and my community,
To help other people
To keep the Guide Law

For information about Girl Guides or to register visit their web site


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